Nutrient Support for Dry and
Brittle Hair, Skin and Nails.




With Omega-3, Vitamin E, Biotin, Active Folate and Zinc for Dry and Brittle Hair, Skin and Nails

Promotes hair growth, thickness and strength.

Prevents and reduces hair loss.

Improves skin hydration for healthy, smooth skin.

Improves skin appearance and elasticity.

Prevents dry skin by reducing water loss.

Increases nail thickness and hardness.


Nappi Code: 3005453001

Barcode: 6009880503230

Nutrients and Supplements for
Dry Brittle Hair, Skin, and Nails.

Dry, Brittle Hair, Skin, and Nails can be indicative of poor health and can also affect one’s physical appearance. Various factors can contribute to dryness and brittleness, such as frequent exposure to harsh chemicals, heat styling tools, and environmental factors such as cold weather or low humidity. Additionally, a lack of essential nutrients, such as Omega-3, Vitamin E, Biotin, Active Folate, and Zinc, can also cause dryness and brittleness. To combat these issues, it’s important to incorporate healthy habits, such as drinking plenty of water, eating a well-balanced diet, and avoiding excessive use of heat styling tools or harsh chemicals on hair and skin.

HydraMETICS™ could be of benefit for:

Frequently Asked Questions

Several supplements can help to support healthy skin and hair, especially if they are dry. These supplements include:

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3 Fatty Acids, such as those found in fish oil supplements, can help to improve skin hydration and reduce inflammation, which can contribute to dryness.
  • Vitamin E: Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps to protect skin and hair from damage caused by free radicals. It can also improve skin moisture and texture.
  • Biotin: Biotin is a B Vitamin that is important for healthy hair, skin, and nails. It helps to strengthen hair and nails and may also improve skin hydration.
  • Zinc: Zinc is an essential mineral that plays a role in many aspects of skin and hair health, including wound healing, collagen production, and oil gland function.
  • Vitamin D: Vitamin D is important for overall health and may play a role in skin health. Some studies have suggested that low levels of Vitamin D may be linked to dry skin.

Dry, brittle hair, skin, and nails can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  1. Dehydration: If you’re not drinking enough water, your hair, skin, and nails can become dry and brittle.
  2. Environmental Factors: Exposure to harsh weather conditions, like extreme heat or cold, can dry out your hair, skin, and nails.
  3. Nutrient Deficiencies: A lack of essential nutrients like Biotin, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E can lead to dry, brittle hair, skin, and nails.
  4. Ageing: As you age, your body’s natural production of oils and collagen decreases, leading to drier, more brittle hair, skin, and nails.
  5. Over-washing: Excessive washing can strip your hair and skin of natural oils, leaving them dry and brittle.
  6. Excessive use of Heat Styling Tools: Frequent use of heat styling tools like flat irons, curling irons, and hair dryers can damage hair, making it dry and brittle.
  7. Certain Medical Conditions: Some medical conditions, like Hypothyroidism or Autoimmune disorders, can cause dry, brittle hair, skin, and nails.

To prevent or treat dry, brittle hair, skin, and nails, it’s important to maintain a healthy diet, stay hydrated, and protect your hair and skin from harsh environmental factors. Using gentle, moisturising products, and limiting heat styling can also help prevent further damage. You can also use nutritional supplements, like HydraMETICS, which contains vitamins and minerals for dry and brittle hair, skin and nails. If you’re concerned about your hair, skin, and nails, it’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional for personalised advice.

If you’re struggling with dry, brittle hair, skin, and nails, there are a number of things you can do to improve moisture levels and promote overall health like:

  1. Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water is essential for keeping your body, including your hair, skin, and nails, properly hydrated.
  2. Moisturise Regularly: Using moisturisers and oils can help improve moisture levels in your hair, skin, and nails. Look for products with ingredients like glycerin, hyaluronic acid, and ceramides.
  3. Eat a Healthy Diet: A diet rich in healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals can help promote healthy hair, skin, and nails. Foods like fatty fish, avocados, nuts, and leafy greens can all help improve moisture levels.
  4. Use a Humidifier: Adding moisture to the air in your home with a humidifier can help prevent dryness.
  5. Avoid Harsh Products and Treatments: Harsh chemicals and excessive heat can damage your hair, skin, and nails, making them more prone to dryness. Avoid overusing heat styling tools, and look for gentle, non-drying products.
  6. Protect your Hair and Skin from the Elements: Exposure to harsh weather conditions, like wind and cold, can dry out your hair, skin, and nails. Wear protective clothing and use products with sunscreen to shield your hair and skin from the elements.

Remember, it’s important to be patient when it comes to improving moisture levels in your hair, skin, and nails. It can take time to see results, so stick with a consistent routine and be gentle with your hair and skin. If you’re still having trouble, it’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional for personalised advice.

Preventing damage to your hair, skin, and nails caused by styling or environmental factors is important to maintain their health and appearance. Here are 7 tips to help prevent damage:

  1. Protect your Hair from Heat: Avoid using excessive heat styling tools like hair straighteners or curling irons. If you must use heat, make sure to apply a heat protectant product first.
  2. Protect your Skin from the Sun: Always wear sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 when spending time outside. It’s also a good idea to wear protective clothing, like hats and long-sleeved shirts.
  3. Wear Gloves: If you’re doing household chores or working with chemicals, wear gloves to protect your hands and nails.
  4. Moisturise: Use moisturisers and oils to keep your skin and nails hydrated, especially in cold or dry weather.
  5. Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Use gentle, non-drying products when cleaning or styling your hair, and avoid chemical treatments that can damage your hair and skin.
  6. Avoid Excessive Washing: Over-washing your hair and skin can strip away natural oils and cause dryness. Limit your hair washing to every other day, and consider using a gentle, fragrance-free cleanser on your skin.
  7. Take Breaks: If you regularly wear your hair in a tight ponytail or bun, consider taking a break to allow your hair to recover.


Remember that being gentle and taking preventative measures is key to maintaining healthy hair, skin, and nails. If you’re unsure about which products to use or how to care for your hair, skin, or nails, consider consulting with a Healthcare Professional.

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